This picture and the one above are pictures of the hospital being built....
The tent and the surrounded area is where the new hotel will be located....Construction workers just broke ground about six weeks ago...
Almost everyone is familar with Twelve Oaks Mall. I thought that this mall couldn't get any bigger, but I was wrong. A new Nordstrom department store will be built (165,000 square feet), which will add 20-30 new stores. The expansion does not just stop here. Macy's, which use to be Marshall Field's, will also add 60,000 square feet. The entire mall expansion will bring over 800 permanent jobs and 1,100 construction and design-oriented jobs to Oakland County.
The Novi area is recognized for having a great school system. Novi added its already superb school record with the addition of Detroit Catholic Central High School. The school opened in August 2005 and it is located on Wixom Road. This is an unbelievable school, with everything at the students disposal. It has five computer labs, a wonderful science laboratory, art and music studios, two gymnasiums, and great sports fields and stadiums. This school has over 1,100 students and it will surely attract many students and families to the Novi area. These are two pictures of Catholic Central....The land for the school was donated by Mr. Pelleritio, and the money to build the school was provided by former alumni and raised through various fundraisers...It is a huge school....A great addition to the city and the school system......
Novi's population continues to grow and grow. People keep on moving to Novi, so new houses and subdivisions must be built for people to live in. It is amazing to me how many new houses are constantly being built in the city. Everywhere you turn, you see construction and signs for new homes. As you can tell, these are not your average starting homes.
This is a picture of a house that is under construction...The subdivision is called Cheltenham Estates located on Beck Road before Ten Mile Road.
And this is what a finish house looks like in Cheltenham Estates...pretty nice...
This house is part of a new subdivision called Mirabella Estates...This subdivision, which has ten houses, has been built in only a year and a half....Works still needs to be done, but the houses are almost finished...This subdivision is located on Meadowbrook Road between Eight and Nine Mile Road...
This house is also part of Mirabella Estates...This is a picture from behind the house...As you can tell the house is pretty much complete, but there is work to be done in landscaping department
This house is part of the Mission Pines subdivision....It has just been completed...This subdivision is just past Mirabella Estates on Meadowbrook Road....Mission Pines took about two years to complete and it contains eight brand new houses...Look at this...More plans and construction for 13 new luxurious homes...All of this space is for the new homes...The subdivision is called Normandy Hills...
This is another picture of the area that will be used for the new subdivision...Normandy Hills is located on 8 Mile Road just past Meadowbrook Road...
These last three subdivisions (Mirabella Esates, Mission Pines, and Nomandy Ells) are all located within 200 yards of each other... You can find new homes/subdivisions being built all over the city...The city truly is expanding and adjusting to the population increase...
With more people visiting and moving to Novi, the city has to have more restaurants and stores for people to enjoy. Novi is handling this problem pretty well.
Uno Chicago Grill is an excellent restaurant to enjoy with family and friends. It was built just over a year ago...
Melting Pot is a new addition to the city's already wonderful restaurant selection...
However, the building of new restaurants never ends in Novi...This might not look like much now, but a new TGIF restuarant and Panera Bread are coming to Novi soon...This is located on 8 Mile Road and Haggerty...
In addition, Novi has also built little shopping/strips malls like these two....

With the population expected to reach 79,264 in the year 2030, Novi is building and preparing its future today.
While the rest of Novi keeps on developing and expanding, one building stays the same-the Novi public library. This library was built in 1976, when Novi's population was one third of what it is today. There will be a proposal this November on the ballot for the citizens of Novi to determine whether or not they want to expand the existing library. I plan on doing my argumentative essay on this issue, arguing for why the people of Novi need to vote "yes." The people of Novi rejected a proposal in 2001 because the proposal was poorly thought out and there was no clear idea as to what the new library would look like. This time, it is very different. I spoke with both the Library Board President, Robert Cutler, and the Mayor of Novi, David Landry, and both agree on the fact that the current library is inadequate. With the growing population, the current library cannot meet the citizens' needs/demands. The proposal will expand the library from 23,190 square feet to 60,000 square feet, with the option of expanding it to 90,000 square feet in 2030.
The city of Novi has become a "Booming City" because it has kept growing and adjusting. Now is the time for the citizens of Novi to step up and to make sure that the library expansion is approved at the polls. Everything has changed in Novi, and the library needs to change with the growing population. Here are some pictures of the current library.....

There are four tables (A,B,C, and D) with six computers at each table...This is not nearly enough...Good luck trying to get one of these after school from 3-5 or on the weekends...They probably need double this amount...
This room in the library is designated for the kids' program. Novi library has the biggest and most popular kids' program in the state. However, as you can tell, this room is not big at all, so kids, and the adults leading the program must squeeze into the room. Also, many parents would like to stay and watch what their kids' are learning, but due to the size of the room, they must leave.
This is part of the adult section of the library...There is not much room between each isle, which makes it difficult for everyone to move around, especially handicap people...Also, many people struggle with getting books from the top and bottom shelves...
This part of the library is the children section for kids in the 8th grade or younger....
Novi has become a desirable city to live and visit. Hopefully, now you have an understanding and appreciation for what is going on in Novi and why I like to think of it as a "Booming City." Now, the city and people of Novi need to focus their attention on expanding the library.
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