Monday, March 26, 2007
Novi Library Proposal
I spoke with Robert Cutler, the Novi Library Board President, and he explained that they really can't just add on or expand the current library because it was not designed for this. The old library will have to be pretty much torn down and then rebuilt. If the proposal is approved at the polls the expanded library will be 10 percent of the old building library and 90 percent new. They will keep some of the old building but not much. The major concern for many citizens is what will they do when the library is under expansion. Cutler explained to me that they will hire a professional company to move all of the current library equipment and put it in a new building off site. The off site location will be five minutes away from the current library. This will allow for the citizens to still have a library while the expansion process is ongoing. The cost of moving off site will be close to a million dollars, but this is already included in the 14 to 16 million dollar estimate.
The current library was never meant to serve such a big population. It has served the community well for over 30 years, but it has way to many problems. As mentioned above, size is the biggest issue. The lack of space limits the number of library programs offered, the number of books they can order/store, and the addition of new computers. In addition, the library staff has terrible working conditions because their work area in the back is extremely small. These are just a few of reasons why the current library needs to be expanded, but their are plenty more. I will mention and explain more of the problems throughout the entire paper. If the people of Novi do not vote "yes" on this year's proposal they are making a huge mistake. If the library does not get redone soon, more and more problems are going to arise and become very evident. Each year the library expansion gets delayed the construction cost will rise 5 to 10 percent per year due to the increase in material costs. The time is now for the people of Novi to vote yes, and I am going to try to convince them of this.
Sunday, March 25, 2007
Last Couple Weeks
One bright spot this weekend was watching the NCAA tourney. My bracket is pretty much busted. I have three out of the four final four teams left, but so do a lot of other people. I picked the Georgetown Hoyas to win it all, so I am sticking with them. The last couple of games should be good. Let's Go Hoyas!
Photo Essay Revision
Sunday, March 18, 2007
Photo Essay Progress and March Madness
March Madness, what else do I need to say. It is by far my favorite time of the sport year. There is so much excitement to each game, and you are always on the edge of your seat. I love filling out my different brackets, even though I end up losing money. I wish the first weekend of the tournament wasn't over, but I look forward to the rest of it. Let's Go Hoyas!
Thursday, March 15, 2007
Flickr Pictures

Overall, I am not a fan of graffiti. I wish that people would stop writing on walls and buildings that do not belong to them.
Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Tuesday, March 13, 2007
Novi as a "Booming City"-Final Draft

This picture and the one above are pictures of the hospital being built....
The tent and the surrounded area is where the new hotel will be located....Construction workers just broke ground about six weeks ago...
Almost everyone is familar with Twelve Oaks Mall. I thought that this mall couldn't get any bigger, but I was wrong. A new Nordstrom department store will be built (165,000 square feet), which will add 20-30 new stores. The expansion does not just stop here. Macy's, which use to be Marshall Field's, will also add 60,000 square feet. The entire mall expansion will bring over 800 permanent jobs and 1,100 construction and design-oriented jobs to Oakland County.
The Novi area is recognized for having a great school system. Novi added its already superb school record with the addition of Detroit Catholic Central High School. The school opened in August 2005 and it is located on Wixom Road. This is an unbelievable school, with everything at the students disposal. It has five computer labs, a wonderful science laboratory, art and music studios, two gymnasiums, and great sports fields and stadiums. This school has over 1,100 students and it will surely attract many students and families to the Novi area. These are two pictures of Catholic Central....The land for the school was donated by Mr. Pelleritio, and the money to build the school was provided by former alumni and raised through various fundraisers...It is a huge school....A great addition to the city and the school system......
Novi's population continues to grow and grow. People keep on moving to Novi, so new houses and subdivisions must be built for people to live in. It is amazing to me how many new houses are constantly being built in the city. Everywhere you turn, you see construction and signs for new homes. As you can tell, these are not your average starting homes.
This is a picture of a house that is under construction...The subdivision is called Cheltenham Estates located on Beck Road before Ten Mile Road.
And this is what a finish house looks like in Cheltenham Estates...pretty nice...
This house is part of a new subdivision called Mirabella Estates...This subdivision, which has ten houses, has been built in only a year and a half....Works still needs to be done, but the houses are almost finished...This subdivision is located on Meadowbrook Road between Eight and Nine Mile Road...
This house is also part of Mirabella Estates...This is a picture from behind the house...As you can tell the house is pretty much complete, but there is work to be done in landscaping department
This house is part of the Mission Pines subdivision....It has just been completed...This subdivision is just past Mirabella Estates on Meadowbrook Road....Mission Pines took about two years to complete and it contains eight brand new houses...Look at this...More plans and construction for 13 new luxurious homes...All of this space is for the new homes...The subdivision is called Normandy Hills...
This is another picture of the area that will be used for the new subdivision...Normandy Hills is located on 8 Mile Road just past Meadowbrook Road...
These last three subdivisions (Mirabella Esates, Mission Pines, and Nomandy Ells) are all located within 200 yards of each other... You can find new homes/subdivisions being built all over the city...The city truly is expanding and adjusting to the population increase...
With more people visiting and moving to Novi, the city has to have more restaurants and stores for people to enjoy. Novi is handling this problem pretty well.
Uno Chicago Grill is an excellent restaurant to enjoy with family and friends. It was built just over a year ago...
Melting Pot is a new addition to the city's already wonderful restaurant selection...
However, the building of new restaurants never ends in Novi...This might not look like much now, but a new TGIF restuarant and Panera Bread are coming to Novi soon...This is located on 8 Mile Road and Haggerty...
In addition, Novi has also built little shopping/strips malls like these two....

With the population expected to reach 79,264 in the year 2030, Novi is building and preparing its future today.
While the rest of Novi keeps on developing and expanding, one building stays the same-the Novi public library. This library was built in 1976, when Novi's population was one third of what it is today. There will be a proposal this November on the ballot for the citizens of Novi to determine whether or not they want to expand the existing library. I plan on doing my argumentative essay on this issue, arguing for why the people of Novi need to vote "yes." The people of Novi rejected a proposal in 2001 because the proposal was poorly thought out and there was no clear idea as to what the new library would look like. This time, it is very different. I spoke with both the Library Board President, Robert Cutler, and the Mayor of Novi, David Landry, and both agree on the fact that the current library is inadequate. With the growing population, the current library cannot meet the citizens' needs/demands. The proposal will expand the library from 23,190 square feet to 60,000 square feet, with the option of expanding it to 90,000 square feet in 2030.
The city of Novi has become a "Booming City" because it has kept growing and adjusting. Now is the time for the citizens of Novi to step up and to make sure that the library expansion is approved at the polls. Everything has changed in Novi, and the library needs to change with the growing population. Here are some pictures of the current library.....

There are four tables (A,B,C, and D) with six computers at each table...This is not nearly enough...Good luck trying to get one of these after school from 3-5 or on the weekends...They probably need double this amount...
This room in the library is designated for the kids' program. Novi library has the biggest and most popular kids' program in the state. However, as you can tell, this room is not big at all, so kids, and the adults leading the program must squeeze into the room. Also, many parents would like to stay and watch what their kids' are learning, but due to the size of the room, they must leave.
This is part of the adult section of the library...There is not much room between each isle, which makes it difficult for everyone to move around, especially handicap people...Also, many people struggle with getting books from the top and bottom shelves...
This part of the library is the children section for kids in the 8th grade or younger....
Novi has become a desirable city to live and visit. Hopefully, now you have an understanding and appreciation for what is going on in Novi and why I like to think of it as a "Booming City." Now, the city and people of Novi need to focus their attention on expanding the library.
Monday, March 12, 2007
Our Fortified Ghettos
The second to last paragraph about the consequences of "fortication" also grabbed my attention. I feel that "trust" is a major problem. When people have to constantly look over their shoulder, I understand why it is difficult for them to trust others! People who have to "forify" their houses, do not know what it means to relax and feel safe. They must always be alert, wondering/guessing what could happen next. They can't trust people, which is sad! They must live their lives in fear, something that no one should have to do.
Sunday, March 11, 2007
In my photo essay, I am going to put a picture or two of the Novi library in there. The reason I am doing this is because the Novi library needs to expand like the rest of the city. It seems like everything else is, so why not the library. There is a proposal on this year's ballot for a new one. I am going to do my argumentative essay on why the citizens of Novi should vote "yes" on the proposal. Hopefully, I will be able to get some good information on this issue soon. I plan on talking with someone from the library board. It should be interesting!
Thursday, March 8, 2007
News Coverage II
-The second local issue that is getting the most coverage is the Tara Grant murder case. It seems like new things are developing each day. To me, I am interested in the case, but it is getting more and more difficult with each day to hear/learn more disturbing news.
2.) The thing that stands out the most to me about the coverage on is the fact that the two top/most popular stories are very sad. Both the Comerica Bank and the Tara Grant story involve sad developments and I wish that there could be more positive news.
-The human factor in both of these stories is very evident. There is no denying the fact that these two top stories are having an impact on many citizens. They are taking a toll both finacially and mentally on many people. Many people are losing their jobs due to Comerica's decision, which affects not only the people losing the jobs, but their families. Michigan's economy is not in good shape right now, so this just adds insult to injury. It is tough having to watch people losing their jobs for essentially no reason. In the Tara Grant murder case, everyone in the state feels so sad and sorry for both Tara and her family. While watching the coverage on TV, it is hard not to get feel the pain suffered by both Tara and her family.
-I really do not feel any drama in the Comerica story because it is a very serious issue. In my opinion, the news is not exaggerating this story. People and family will go through tough times because of this decision. I can on the other hand see why people would think the News is adding drama to the Tara Grant story. At times, it seems like the news may push/go to far.
3.) I was looking for things in about my own neighborhood (Novi) and I really didn't find anything too interesting. There were not any real big storylines or anything like that. There were a couple of stories, but nothing that really stood out to me.
4.) I having been thinking about what I want to do my research about and I think I have found an idea for my photograph essay. I want to show everyone in class how the city of Novi continues to grow and develop with the city's increasing population. Within the past one or two years I have seen Novi grow dramatically with new schools, new hospital hotel, new subdivisions, many new restaurants, and possibly a new library. Because Novi is growing at such a rapid rate, the city has to keep developing and it surely has. When I interviewed the Mayor of Novi for my profile essay, he harped to me about how much Novi is developing. I think that the photograph essay would be a perfect opportunity to show my classmates pictures of Novi's new buildings and developments. I do not think I could right an argumentative essay on how Novi continues to develop, but I could right an essay about the issue of whether or not the city of Novi needs a new library. In November 2001, the citizens of Novi rejected the proposal for a new library, but the issue will again be on this year's ballot. I will argue that Novi's population has grown so much within the past six to seven years and that the current Novi library will is not adequate enough. I think that the people of Novi need to vote "yes" on this year's proposal.
Wednesday, March 7, 2007
Revising Essay
Today, I looked over my peer-viewers comments and got to work! I really appreciate what they had to say, and hopefully I can make the necessary changes. They both said that I had a great start and I just need to add/correct some miner things. I look forward to getting my review back tomorrow to see what else needs to be done. I hope that there won't be to much to fix-wishful thinking! I also think that I have a good idea for my photograph essay. I am going to show with various pictures, how the city of Novi contiunes to develop, grow, and adjust to the city's increasing population. I have blogged about how Novi continues to grow, and now it is time to show it! I think that everyone will enjoy it and most importantly, everyone will learn something about Novi that they never knew before.
Tuesday, March 6, 2007
Reading the News
The second thing that jumped out at me was reading the articles on the Tara Grant murder case. Everything that I read I already knew about, but I can't help to read it again because I find it to be very interesting.
I tried to look for interesting stories in the Novi area but I nothing struck me. Hopefully, I will find something soon.
The last thing that I read was about how Congress plans on giving our troops better care when they return from Iraq. This has to be improved because it is a shame that men and women are risking their lives for us and they are not even given the proper treatment. They deserve the best and we should do everything we can!
Monday, March 5, 2007
Tara Grant
As far as her husband, Stephen Grant, I think that this man should never see the light of day again. After what he did, I have no mercy/compassion for him. This was such a disturbing and malicious act, and it warrants the worst punishment possible. How can you murder your wife? This is the person you are suppose to cherish, love, protect, and care for, not destroy. Why don't you just get a divorce instead of killing her? I wish that this poor woman never had to go throuhgt this. May God Bless her soul.
Sunday, March 4, 2007
It's Over
Over break, I also had to write the restaurant review. I choose Cinco de Mayo, a Mexican restaurant located in Redford. I really enjoyed this paper because it was fun to be a critic. I am pretty much done writing the first draft and so far I am well pleased with how it has turned out. To be quite honest, I absolutely loved the restaurant I choose. I had never been there before, and after leaving there, I really don't have anything to criticize the restaurant for. Out of the five things we needed to critique, the bathroom (cleanliness) was the only potential issue. There were a couple of paper towels on the floor, but that's all! Everything from the food, atmosphere, prices, service, and cleanliness was excellent. I really worked hard to keep this review interesting and engaging throughout. After reading it, I think readers will have a good idea of what Cinco de Mayo is all about. I look forward to reading everyone else's.