Thursday, January 11, 2007

Critical Response to Niki's Window Essay

After reading this essay it seems clear to me that Jerry Herron is not to happy with the city of Detroit. The one thing that Jerry seems most upset about is Greektown. He believes that Greektown has become a town that is "largely make -believe" (47). Jerry sees Greektown as a place that covers up many of Detroit's problems. Greektown is a "stand-in" (47) that has no significant meaning to Detroit's history. Herron 's central point in this essay is that many new buildings such as Greektown are being built on old historical sites and because of this nobody will come to know or appreciate Detroit's past or history.

Jerry Herron uses the words pastness, nostalgia, and humiliation in his essay. Pastness in this essay meant that Trapper's Alley has no tie or meaning to Detroit as a city. This building has no historical value or meaning to Detroit, which is disappointing to Herron. Nostalgia in this essay means that there is no historical context or value to the bulidings. Humiliation is the feeling that Herron comes to know when thinking about Detroit. Herron feels that Detroit has become humiliated in the sense that people try to cover up its past because it is so bad. I believe that Herron wants us to embrace Detroit's city and build on its past.

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